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Red stylized heart with burning candle at center.



August 25, 2020

To those showing your support, whether financially, by amplifying our voice, or both, we are grateful.  Your validation feeds the future of our work - work inspired by a flame that never went out...  it moved to a heart. 

#HealingHearts  #DCMJunsilenced


August 25, 2020 *Caution Warranted: Gun Violence Discussed

Gratitude is a given for some and recommendation for others.  But does it REALLY help?  Well, kinda looks like challenging the darkness...might be...  illuminating... especially if you're emotionally exhausted right now... like so many of us... like those of us in health care... like the somebodies who are currently treating a man shot in the back... in the middle of an epidemic... 


"Emotional exhaustion health care workers is common and consequentially linked to lower quality of care. Effective interventions to address [emotional exhaustion] are urgently needed. ...This randomized single-exposure trial examined the efficacy of a gratitude letter–writing intervention for improving health care workers’ well-being.


...A total of 1575 health care workers were randomly assigned to one of two gratitude letter–writing prompts (self- vs other focused) to assess differential efficacy.


...Participants in both conditions showed significant improvements in [emotional exhaustion],... ...and work-life balance... Reduction in [emotional exhaustion] at the 1-week follow-up was predicted... by using fewer first-person ...words [e.g., references to one's self].


... This single-exposure gratitude letter–writing intervention appears to be a promising low-cost, brief, and meaningful tool to improve the well-being of health care workers."


- Adair et al., 2020


Gratitude at Work: Prospective Cohort Study of a Web-Based, Single-Exposure Well-Being Intervention for Health Care Workers


There are some situations in which,

while we still practice gratitude and grace,

it's just not enough.  


Let's start with maltreatment, as an example.


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